La lectura en el marco de los lineamientos curriculares de lengua castellana en el primer grado de la Institución Educativa de Bayunca
Arteaga Castro, Arcila
Jiménez Caicedo, Karen
Castilla Pájaro, Luz Marina
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El proyecto caracteriza el proceso lector en relación con los Lineamientos Curriculares de Lengua Castellana establecidos por el MEN, en el grado primero, de la sede las Latas de la Institución Educativa
de Bayunca, se desarrolla a partir del enfoque cualitativo, desde una perspectiva etnográfica, el tipo de muestreo se escogió a conveniencia, con ocho estudiantes y dos docentes. Se recolectó la información a
través de observaciones, entrevistas a docentes y estudiantes y revisión a planes de clase. Permitió develar situaciones que conllevan a la reflexión del quehacer pedagógico y al planteamiento de posibles
caminos para fortalecer el aprendizaje de la lectura en la institución.
The project characterizes the reading process in relation with the Spanish Languaje Currículum stablished by the MEN, in the first grade, of the Latas, which is part of the main School in Bayunca, it is developed taking into account tha communicative approach, from an ethnographic perspective. The information was chosen to convenience as a sarnple. Fór that, eight students and two teachers were chosen. The final information was collected throngh observations, interviews to teacher and students and cheking to fo lesson plans .lt allowed to revea! situations that lead to the reflection of the pedagogical daily work and the conclusions of possible ways to improve the reading leaming process in the school.
The project characterizes the reading process in relation with the Spanish Languaje Currículum stablished by the MEN, in the first grade, of the Latas, which is part of the main School in Bayunca, it is developed taking into account tha communicative approach, from an ethnographic perspective. The information was chosen to convenience as a sarnple. Fór that, eight students and two teachers were chosen. The final information was collected throngh observations, interviews to teacher and students and cheking to fo lesson plans .lt allowed to revea! situations that lead to the reflection of the pedagogical daily work and the conclusions of possible ways to improve the reading leaming process in the school.
Palabras clave
Lectura, Lineamientos curriculares, Prácticas de aula, Metodología, Reading, Currículum guidelines, Classroom practices, Methodogy