Pronunciamientos de la corte constitucional, corte suprema de justicia y consejo de estado frente al contrato realidad
Arrieta Rodríguez, Kelly
Duran Lengua, José Luis
García Atencia, Olga
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
En Colombia el contrato de prestación de servicios profesionales ha sido diseñado como un
instrumento de gestión, el cual le ha permitido al sector público y privado, establecer vínculos
contractuales de forma temporal a personas naturales y/o jurídicas, con el fin de ejecutar labores
especificas dentro de la empresa privada o entidad estatal.
Desde hace algunos años este tipo de contratación ha sido una de las modalidades que ha tenido
frecuente uso, ya que su esencia normativa va encaminada a un criterio temporal y no de
La Corte Constitucional se ha pronunciado frente a este tipo de contratos en múltiples
sentencias, como por ejemplo la (Sentencia C-614 de 2009), en donde expresa la prohibición
que tiene la administración pública al celebrar contratos de prestación de servicio para el
ejercicio de funciones de carácter permanente, constituyendo así una medida de protección a la
relación laboral, impidiendo que se oculten verdaderas relaciones laborales y evitando la
desnaturalización de la contratación estatal.
Esta modalidad de contrato les ha servido a los empleadores como facilitadores para el
desempeño de actividades laborales. No obstante, no se debe dejar de lado el abuso que se le
ha dado al manejo de esta figura contractual, porque provoca un detrimento en los intereses de
los trabajadores, que ha traído consigo un aumento en el número de investigaciones
disciplinarias y penales por parte del gremio trabajador.
Es importante determinar las diferencias que existen entre un contrato laboral y uno de
prestación de servicios al momento de celebrar un contrato, con el fin de evitar vínculos
laborales ocultos, debido a que actualmente existen trabajadores que están siendo sometidos a
una constante subordinación continuada, cumplimiento de horarios, turnos entre otros aspectos;
abocándose a un contrato realidad laboral y no por prestación de servicio, como muchas veces
se pretende hacer ver, lo que trae como consecuencia la vulneración de derechos laborales y
constitucionales del gremio trabajador. De lo expuesto anteriormente, se puede afirmar que, si
el empleador continuo con interpretación equivoca de este tipo de contrato, con el fin de obviar
el pago de prestaciones sociales, estaría violentando las disposiciones constitucionales y
legales, enmarcadas en los artículos 53 Superior y 23 del Código Sustantivo del Trabajo, y
demás pronunciamientos Jurisprudenciales expresados de manera reiterada por los altos
In Colombia, the contract for the provision of professional services has been designed as a management instrument, which has allowed the public and private sectors to establish temporary contractual links with natural and / or legal persons, in order to carry out specific tasks. within the private company or state entity. For some years this type of contracting has been one of the modalities that has been frequently used, since its normative essence is aimed at a temporary criterion and not of permanence. The Constitutional Court has ruled against this type of contract in multiple judgments, such as (Sentence C-614 of 2009), where it expresses the prohibition that the public administration has when entering into service provision contracts for the exercise of functions of a permanent nature, thus constituting a protection measure for the labor relationship, preventing true labor relations from being hidden and avoiding the denaturalization of state contracting. This type of contract has served employers as facilitators for the performance of work activities. However, the abuse that has been given to the management of this contractual figure should not be ignored, because it causes a detriment to the interests of the workers, which has brought with it an increase in the number of disciplinary and criminal investigations by of the worker union. It is important to determine the differences that exist between an employment contract and one for the provision of services at the time of entering into a contract, in order to avoid hidden labor ties, since there are currently workers who are being subjected to constant continuous subordination, compliance of schedules, shifts among other aspects; engaging in a contract actually labor and not for the provision of service, as many times it is intended to be seen, which results in the violation of labor and constitutional rights of the worker union. From the foregoing, it can be affirmed that, if the employer continues with the wrong interpretation of this type of contract, in order to avoid the payment of social benefits, it would be violating the constitutional and legal provisions, framed in articles 53 Superior and 23 of the Substantive Labor Code, and other jurisprudential pronouncements repeatedly expressed by the high courts.
In Colombia, the contract for the provision of professional services has been designed as a management instrument, which has allowed the public and private sectors to establish temporary contractual links with natural and / or legal persons, in order to carry out specific tasks. within the private company or state entity. For some years this type of contracting has been one of the modalities that has been frequently used, since its normative essence is aimed at a temporary criterion and not of permanence. The Constitutional Court has ruled against this type of contract in multiple judgments, such as (Sentence C-614 of 2009), where it expresses the prohibition that the public administration has when entering into service provision contracts for the exercise of functions of a permanent nature, thus constituting a protection measure for the labor relationship, preventing true labor relations from being hidden and avoiding the denaturalization of state contracting. This type of contract has served employers as facilitators for the performance of work activities. However, the abuse that has been given to the management of this contractual figure should not be ignored, because it causes a detriment to the interests of the workers, which has brought with it an increase in the number of disciplinary and criminal investigations by of the worker union. It is important to determine the differences that exist between an employment contract and one for the provision of services at the time of entering into a contract, in order to avoid hidden labor ties, since there are currently workers who are being subjected to constant continuous subordination, compliance of schedules, shifts among other aspects; engaging in a contract actually labor and not for the provision of service, as many times it is intended to be seen, which results in the violation of labor and constitutional rights of the worker union. From the foregoing, it can be affirmed that, if the employer continues with the wrong interpretation of this type of contract, in order to avoid the payment of social benefits, it would be violating the constitutional and legal provisions, framed in articles 53 Superior and 23 of the Substantive Labor Code, and other jurisprudential pronouncements repeatedly expressed by the high courts.
Palabras clave
Contrato prestación de servicio, Contrato laboral, Prestaciones sociales, Contrato realidad, Service provision contract, Employment contract, Social benefits, reality contract