Diseño de un modelo de negocio basado en la obtención de fibra de poliéster a partir del plástico reciclado (PET) en la ciudad de Barranquilla





Ramirez, María José
Valera Fonseca, Laura

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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ingenierías


La sobrepoblación generada por este tipo de residuos a menudo aumenta significativamente, debido a que se desconocen los beneficios que se le podrían extraer a este tipo de productos, así mismo cabe resaltar que las empresas que utilizan este tipo de componentes para almacenar sus productos no realizan la reutilización de este, lo que hace que cada día se alberguen más y más toneladas de estos en las calles del Distrito de Barranquilla. Se lograron a su vez priorizar las problemáticas teniendo en cuenta su importancia, las cuales fueron analizadas por medio de la metodología expresada por el marco lógico y se le plantearon posibles soluciones. El principal objetivo del modelo de negocio es poder brindarle un producto de alta calidad y que su vida útil sea extensa, así mismo a la disminución del índice de contaminación producidos por el PET. Buscando alternativas de reutilización para estos materiales, lo cual el propósito principal radica en preservar y el planeta afectado por la contaminación. Reciclar PET es reintegrar este polímero en un nuevo ciclo productivo como materia prima. Las botellas sin pigmento (transparentes) tienen mayor valor para el reciclado por sus amplias posibilidades de uso. Esta fibra de poliéster es la más utilizada en la fabricación de tejidos de diferentes características, ya sea como componente único o mezclado con otras fibras naturales, como el algodón. De acuerdo con el objetivo propuesto, la justificación de este proyecto es práctica. Ya que su resultado propone un modelo de negocio innovador y posible alternativa para reducir la contaminación ocasionado por este material, se plantea describir y analizar, mediante un estudio de mercados, la viabilidad del modelo de negocio. La justificación de este proyecto se consta de objetivos a cumplir y buscar alternativas reutilización para algunos materiales y reciclaje PET. Con el desarrollo de un modelo de negocio dedicada obtención de fibra de poliéster a partir del plástico reciclado (PET), esto ayudará a minimizar la contaminación ocasionada por este tipo de residuo o material.

Taking a tour of the different industries that it offers us today; we can observe one of the important sources of use is plastics since they are easy to manipulate and optimize costs due to their usefulness but also because of the economic importance they have. Plastics are synthetic materials that are produced from fossil fuels through the process of polymerization of carbon than by compression. This material is characterized by being able to adopt different shapes. According to data from the Superintendency of Public Services (2017) (hereinafter, SSP), in Colombia 10.3 million tons of solid waste were generated (SSP, 2018). On average, Colombia disposed of around 30,081 tons / day of solid waste. The average figure of solid waste generation in a Colombian household is 4.3 Kg / day (DANE, 2018). Landing the above, it is worth mentioning and reviewing the implications of waste generation in the main cities. In 2017, the generation of waste in Bogotá was 2.2 million tons, equivalent to 21% of the total disposed in the country; meanwhile Cali, Medellín, Barranquilla generated an average of 657 thousand tons of waste in the same period and Cities such as Cartagena, Bucaramanga, Santa Marta and Pasto generated an average of 200 thousand tons (SSP, 2018). According to the Greenpeace report in Colombia, around 8.3 billion tons of plastic have been produced since 1950, but only around 9% of the plastic produced has been recycled. The remaining 91% is divided into: 12% that has been burned and the remaining 79% that has ended up in landfills or natural ecosystems. It is estimated that up to 12.7 million tons of plastic waste entered the world ocean in 2010. 56% is "single use" plastic. Among the plastics classified as single use are bags, packaging rolls, stretch films and plastic wrap. bubbles, food containers, disposable cups, plates, trays, bottles of water and hydrating drinks, food wrappers, lids, cutlery, straws, mixers, cups, cigarette filters, among others. One of the main advantages of PET bottles is that they can be recovered and recycled, to take advantage of and obtain new products. The recycling process, which starts from the proper selection of bottles to be ground, is mechanical and relatively simple. The flakes (Flakes or Scrap) of PET bottles obtained are transformed into polyester fiber. This input, combined with other fibers in relevant proportions, can be used for the manufacture of clothing, padding for cushions, rugs, curtains, etc. In addition, recycling PET contributes to caring for the environment. The manufacture of polyester fiber from the scrap of PET bottles is detailed by sections. it is related to physical properties of the fiber. Resistance to abrasion, elongation, moisture absorption, as well as the fiber's receptivity to colorants, are some of these properties. Polyesters must be hot drawn for molecular alignment to be effective. Molecular chains are held together by cross-links or by intermolecular forces (called hydrogen bonds and Van der Waals forces). The forces are like the attraction between a magnet and a piece of iron. The closer the chains are to each other, the stronger the links will be. Hydrogen bonding is the attraction of positive hydrogen atoms in a chain by negative oxygen or nitrogen atoms in a continuous chain. Van der Waals' forces are similar, but weaker.


Palabras clave

PET, Fibra, Poliéster, Reciclaje, Residuo:, PET, Plastic:, Fiber:, Polyester, Recycling, Residue

