Salud mental en la adolescencia montevideana: una mirada desde el bienestar psicológico
García Álvarez, Diego
Hernández-Lalinde, Juan
Espinosa-Castro, Jhon-Franklin
Soler, María José
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Sociedad Venezolana de Farmacología Clínica y Terapéutica
El bienestar psicológico suele asociarse con niveles de funcionamiento óptimo que incluyen, no solo la relación entre el
sujeto y los demás, sino también actitudes internas como el
dominio y el crecimiento personal. Alrededor de este contexto
se planteó la presente investigación, cuyo objetivo principal
fue el de describir el bienestar psicológico de adolescentes
montevideanos a través de la escala BIEPS-J propuesta por
Casullo. Se realizó un estudio transaccional, correlacional y
no experimental, que contó con la participación de 473 jóvenes de planteles educativos públicos y privados de Montevideo. Los puntajes directos de bienestar psicológico y sus dimensiones fueron comparados a través de técnicas paramétricas como la prueba t-Student y el análisis de varianza de
una vía (ANOVA), pero también mediante herramientas robustas a la heterocedasticidad como las versiones de Welch
para ambos procedimientos. La asociación entre variables se
midió con el test chi-cuadrado de independencia, calculando
el estadístico exacto de Fisher cuando no se cumplieron las
suposiciones de dicha prueba. Se hallaron diferencias significativas en la aceptación según sexo (p = 4×10-6) y según la
edad agrupada en los vínculos (p = 0,003), en la aceptación
(p = 0,036) y en el bienestar psicológico (p = 0,028). También
se encontró una relación estadísticamente significativa entre
el sexo y la aceptación (p = 1,28 × 10-4) y entre el sexo y el
bienestar psicológico (p = 0,007). Los resultados son discutidos desde los postulados de bienestar multidimensional y
desde los indicadores evolutivos adolescentes del ciclo vital.
En este sentido, la muestra adolescente presenta altos valores de bienestar psicológico, expresado en un adecuado
funcionamiento en control, aceptación, vínculos y proyectos.
Se sugiere una posible trayectoria diferencial del bienestar
psicológico en sus dimensiones de acuerdo al sexo.
Psychological well-being is usually associated with levels of optimal functioning that include, not only the relationship between the subject and others, but also internal attitudes such as mastery and personal growth. It was around this context that the present research was proposed, whose main objective was to describe the psychological well-being of Montevidean adolescents using the Casullo’s BIEPS-J scale. A cross-sectional, correlational and non-experimental study was carried out with the participation of 473 adolescents from public and private high schools in Montevideo. The scores of psychological well-being and their dimensions were compared through parametric techniques such as t-test and oneway ANOVA, but also through robust tools for heteroscedasticity such as Welch’s t-test and Welch’s ANOVA. The association between variables was measured with the chi-square test of independence, by calculating Fisher’s exact statistic when the assumptions of that test were not met. Significant differences were found in acceptance by sex (p=4×10-6) and by age grouped into links (p=0.003), acceptance (p=0.036) and psychological well-being (p=0.028). A statistically significant relationship was also found between sex and acceptance (p=1,28×10-4) and between sex and psychological well-being (p=0.007). The results are discussed from the multidimensional well-being postulates and from the adolescent evolutionary indicators of the life cycle. In this sense, the adolescent sample presents high values of psychological well-being, expressed in an adequate functioning in control, acceptance, links and projects. A possible differential trajectory of psychological well-being in its dimensions according to sex is suggested.
Psychological well-being is usually associated with levels of optimal functioning that include, not only the relationship between the subject and others, but also internal attitudes such as mastery and personal growth. It was around this context that the present research was proposed, whose main objective was to describe the psychological well-being of Montevidean adolescents using the Casullo’s BIEPS-J scale. A cross-sectional, correlational and non-experimental study was carried out with the participation of 473 adolescents from public and private high schools in Montevideo. The scores of psychological well-being and their dimensions were compared through parametric techniques such as t-test and oneway ANOVA, but also through robust tools for heteroscedasticity such as Welch’s t-test and Welch’s ANOVA. The association between variables was measured with the chi-square test of independence, by calculating Fisher’s exact statistic when the assumptions of that test were not met. Significant differences were found in acceptance by sex (p=4×10-6) and by age grouped into links (p=0.003), acceptance (p=0.036) and psychological well-being (p=0.028). A statistically significant relationship was also found between sex and acceptance (p=1,28×10-4) and between sex and psychological well-being (p=0.007). The results are discussed from the multidimensional well-being postulates and from the adolescent evolutionary indicators of the life cycle. In this sense, the adolescent sample presents high values of psychological well-being, expressed in an adequate functioning in control, acceptance, links and projects. A possible differential trajectory of psychological well-being in its dimensions according to sex is suggested.
Palabras clave
Bienestar psicológico, Adolescencia montevideana, Sexo, Salud mental, Salud integral, Psychological well-being, Montevidean adolescence, Sex, Mental health, Integral health