Aromatherapy as an alternative of improvement in the quality of life of patients with breast cancer
Coquel Bru, Alexandra Patricia
Alvear Sedán, Ciro César
Severiche Sierra, Carlos Alberto
Caceres Matta, Sandra Viviana
Vidal Tovar, Carlos Ramón
Ruiz Cabezas, Mery Rocío
Martínez Zabaleta, Mercedes Elena
García Moreno, Angelica Margarita
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Polish Forestry Society
We sought to identify the effects of the use of aromatherapy in patients with breast cancer.
The Colombian validation questionnaire of the FACT-B scale was carried out to measure
the quality of life of 35 patients with breast cancer of the Fundación Mujeres Por Tus
Senos. Emotional state the item "I feel sad" in the pre-therapy survey 62% answered a little,
in the post-therapy survey 75% answered the option nothing. General physical state of
health, in the item in the item "I feel sick" in the pre-therapy survey 50% answered the
option nothing, a remaining answered a little and in the post-therapy survey 63% answered
the option nothing. Family and social environment in the item "I am satisfied with the way
my family communicates" in the pre-therapy survey 50% answered the option very much,
in the post-therapy survey 75% answered the option very much. Personal functioning
capacity, in the item "I am satisfied with my current quality of life" in the pre-therapy
survey 38% answered the option very much, in the post-therapy survey 38% responded to
the option very much.
Palabras clave
Aromatherapy, Breast cancer, Quality of life, Essential oils