Nivel de conocimiento de los pacientes con enfermedad Renal Crónica a cerca de su enfermedad en Barranquilla Colombia
Vera –Brand, Julieta
Aroca- Martínez, Gustavo
Fonseca- Angulo, Rosa
Rodríguez- Vera, Diana
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Sociedad Latinoamericana de Hipertensión
Objetivo: determinar el nivel de conocimiento de los pacientes
con ERC a cerca de su enfermedad que asiste al
servicio de nefrología en una institución de salud.
Metodología: Se desarrolló un estudio descriptivo transversal,
se utilizó una muestra de 50 pacientes con ERC
mediante un muestreo por conveniencia; se aplicó la encuesta
Kidney Disease Questionnaire versión en español,
para el análisis de los datos se utilizó el software estadístico
SPSS. Ver. 22 (licencia universidad Simón Bolívar).
Resultados: Observamos una mayor incidencia de ERC
en hombres (64%) que en mujeres (36%), de igual manera
la mayoría de la población se encuentra entre las
edad de 66 a 70 años con un 34%, se encontró que los
usuarios desconoce los medicamentos que deben evitar y
desconocen el significado que tiene la alta presencia de
proteínas en la orina sobre los riñones
Conclusiones: Existe un bajo nivel de conocimiento de
los pacientes con ERC respecto a su enfermedad, específicamente
en el área de los efectos que tienen los medicamentos
sobre su organismo y los cambios que presenta
su cuerpo debido a la enfermedad, una de las principales
limitaciones presentes en el estudio fue que la población
con edad superior de 80 años no se logró incluir debido
al grado de dependencia cognitiva y funcional que presentaban.
Objective: Determine the level of knowledge that patients with CKD have about their disease whom attend a nephrology service at a health institution. Methodology: A descriptive transversal study was carried out, a sample size of 50 patients with CKD was chosen via convenience sampling; the Spanish version of the Kidney Disease Questionnaire was utilized, statistical software SPSS (ver. 22 Universidad Simon Bolivar license) was used for data analysis. Results: A higher incidence was found in men (64%) compared to women (36%), the majority of the population was between the ages of 66 and 70 years old (34%), it was found that patients were unaware of prescription drugs they should avoid nor did they know that the high amount of protein found in their urine could affect their kidneys. Conclusions: CKD patients have a low level of knowledge about their own disease, especially with regards to the effects, medications have on their own organism as well as the impact of the disease process on their own bodies´. One of the principal limitations present in this study was that the population older than 80 years old could not be included in the study due to the level of cognitive and functional decline they presented.
Objective: Determine the level of knowledge that patients with CKD have about their disease whom attend a nephrology service at a health institution. Methodology: A descriptive transversal study was carried out, a sample size of 50 patients with CKD was chosen via convenience sampling; the Spanish version of the Kidney Disease Questionnaire was utilized, statistical software SPSS (ver. 22 Universidad Simon Bolivar license) was used for data analysis. Results: A higher incidence was found in men (64%) compared to women (36%), the majority of the population was between the ages of 66 and 70 years old (34%), it was found that patients were unaware of prescription drugs they should avoid nor did they know that the high amount of protein found in their urine could affect their kidneys. Conclusions: CKD patients have a low level of knowledge about their own disease, especially with regards to the effects, medications have on their own organism as well as the impact of the disease process on their own bodies´. One of the principal limitations present in this study was that the population older than 80 years old could not be included in the study due to the level of cognitive and functional decline they presented.
Palabras clave
Enfermedad Renal Crónica, Comunicación, Paciente, Conocimiento (Desc/Mesh), Chronic Kidney Disease, Communication, Patient, Knowledge (Desc/Mesh)