Factores que afectan el estado nutricional del adulto mayor
Tafur Castillo, Janery
Guerra Ramírez, Merilyn
Carbonell, Aidee
Ghisays López, María
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Cooperativa servicios y suministros 212518 RS
Introducción: El proceso de envejecimiento implica una
serie de cambios que repercuten directamente sobre el
estado nutricional de la población adulta mayor, que la
hace vulnerable a sufrir un riesgo elevado de deficiencias
Objetivo: Analizar los factores que afectan el estado nutricional
del adulto mayor.
Metodología: Se realizó una revisión documental sistemática
en la cual se hizo una búsqueda minuciosa en las
bases de datos de documentos científicos mayor como
son Scielo, Ebrary, Redalyc, Renata y Elsevier, relacionados
con el estado nutricional del adulto mayor, las cuales
fueron seleccionadas y verificadas en los descriptores de
salud y que contribuyeron al estudio bibliometrico.
Resultados: Sobre el estado nutricional en el adulto mayor
se encontraron varios factores significativos, los cuales
demuestran que los adultos mayores están sometidos a
diferentes riesgos nutricionales que afecta su salud de manera
directa e indirectamente.
Conclusiones: los factores predisponentes que inciden en
el estado nutricional en los adultos mayores son los biológicos,
psicológicos, sociales, económicos y ambientales.
Introductions: The aging process implies a series of changes that directly affect the nutritional status of the elderly population, which is vulnerable to an elevated risk of nutritional deficiencies. Objective: Was to analyze the factors that affect the nutritional status of the elderly. Methodology: A non-systematic documentary review was made in which a search was made in the databases of documents related to the nutritional status of the elderly as a child Scielo, Ebrary, Redalyc, Renata and Elsevier, which were selected and verified in the descriptors of health and that contributed to the bibliometric study. Results: Of the nutritional status in the elderly, several significant factors were found, which show that the elderly are being affected by various nutritional risks that affect their health directly and indirectly. Conclusion: The predisposing factors that affect the nutritional status of older adults are the biological, psychological, social, economic and environmental factors.
Introductions: The aging process implies a series of changes that directly affect the nutritional status of the elderly population, which is vulnerable to an elevated risk of nutritional deficiencies. Objective: Was to analyze the factors that affect the nutritional status of the elderly. Methodology: A non-systematic documentary review was made in which a search was made in the databases of documents related to the nutritional status of the elderly as a child Scielo, Ebrary, Redalyc, Renata and Elsevier, which were selected and verified in the descriptors of health and that contributed to the bibliometric study. Results: Of the nutritional status in the elderly, several significant factors were found, which show that the elderly are being affected by various nutritional risks that affect their health directly and indirectly. Conclusion: The predisposing factors that affect the nutritional status of older adults are the biological, psychological, social, economic and environmental factors.
Palabras clave
Factores, Adulto mayor, Estado nutricional, Obesidad, Enfermedad coronaria, Factors, Elderly, Nutritional, Obesity