Funcionamiento ejecutivo y toma de decisiones al observar estímulos publicitarios con contenido sexual
Baeceló, Ernesto
Navarro, María Camila
Gelves-Ospina, Melissa
Rodrigues, Fernando
Rosa, Pedro
Orozco, Erick
Benítez, Juan Camilo
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Cooperativa servicios y suministros 212518 RS
Introducción: La toma de decisiones está determinada
por el funcionamiento ejecutivo (cognición), así como por
otros elementos a nivel ambiental y emocional como las
características de los estímulos que intervienen en la decisión.
Sin embargo, hasta el momento, se desconocen
estudios que tengan en cuenta tanto los elementos cognitivos,
como las características de los estímulos a la hora
de tomar una decisión.
Objetivo: Esta investigación tuvo como finalidad determinar
la influencia de los estímulos publicitarios con contenido
sexual en la toma de decisiones, teniendo en cuenta
variables neuropsicológicas como el funcionamiento ejecutivo
y condiciones experimentales como el orden de
presentación de los estímulos.
Métodos: Se realizó un estudio cuasi-experimental, con
una muestra de 60 sujetos, de género masculino, y edades
comprendidas entre los 18 y 35 años de edad, con
funciones ejecutivas normales y bajas (medidas a través
de protocolos neuropsicológicos validados), a quienes se
les mostró una publicidad con y sin estímulos sexuales,
presentados en diferente orden. Posteriormente se realizó
una encuesta de preferencia de los estímulos.
Resultados: Los resultados muestran influencia del estímulo
con contenido sexual sobre la toma de decisión en
hombres con funcionamiento ejecutivo por debajo de lo
esperado, cuando se observa, según el orden, primero el
estímulo sin contenido sexual y después el estímulo con
contenido sexual.
Conclusión: Lo cual sugiere la influencia de las funciones
ejecutivas (incluyendo la memoria de trabajo) en la toma
de decisiones, ante estímulos con contenido sexual.
Introduction: Decision making is determined by executive functioning (cognition), but also by other environmental and emotional elements inside the process. However, until now, studies that take into account both the cognitive elements and the characteristics of the stimuli when making a decision are unknown. Objective: The purpose of this research was to determine the influence of advertising stimuli with sexual content in decision making, taking into account neuropsychological variables such as executive functioning and. experimental conditions such as the order in which the stimuli are presented. Methods: A quasi-experimental study was carried out, with a sample of 60 subjects, of male gender and aged between 18 and 35 years of age, with normal and low executive functions (measured through validated neuropsychological protocols), whom were showed an advertisement with and without sexual stimuli, presented in different order. Subsequently, a preference survey of the stimuli was carried out. Results: The results show the influence of the stimulus with sexual content on decision making in men with executive functioning below what was expected, when they observe first the stimulus without sexual content and then the stimulus with sexual content. Conclusion: This suggests the influence of executive functions (including working memory) in decision making, when stimuli with sexual content are involved.
Introduction: Decision making is determined by executive functioning (cognition), but also by other environmental and emotional elements inside the process. However, until now, studies that take into account both the cognitive elements and the characteristics of the stimuli when making a decision are unknown. Objective: The purpose of this research was to determine the influence of advertising stimuli with sexual content in decision making, taking into account neuropsychological variables such as executive functioning and. experimental conditions such as the order in which the stimuli are presented. Methods: A quasi-experimental study was carried out, with a sample of 60 subjects, of male gender and aged between 18 and 35 years of age, with normal and low executive functions (measured through validated neuropsychological protocols), whom were showed an advertisement with and without sexual stimuli, presented in different order. Subsequently, a preference survey of the stimuli was carried out. Results: The results show the influence of the stimulus with sexual content on decision making in men with executive functioning below what was expected, when they observe first the stimulus without sexual content and then the stimulus with sexual content. Conclusion: This suggests the influence of executive functions (including working memory) in decision making, when stimuli with sexual content are involved.
Palabras clave
Funciones Ejecutivas, Toma de Decisiones, Neuropsicología, Estímulos Sexuales, Comportamiento del Consumidor, Executive Functions, Decision Making, Neuropsychology, Sexual Stimuli, Consumer Behavior