Enamorado-Estrada, JairoCastiblanco Mandón, Helmuth EfrénDe Las Salas Mejía, Andrés JavierZabaleta Polo, Dalys Paola2021-11-162021-11-162021https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12442/9018El trabajo en Colombia, de acuerdo al artículo 25 de la constitución política, es un derecho fundamental y una obligación social, con protección especial por parte del Estado, garantizado bajo condiciones dignas y justas en el desarrollo del mismo, a través de la regulación en el cumplimiento de los derechos y deberes de los trabajadores y los empleadores. El objetivo de este estudio es realizar un análisis de manera detallada de la situación actual y real de las personas que se dedican a las labores del servicio doméstico, desde el trasegar histórico normativo, hasta las últimas conquistas por parte de organismos internacionales y la implementación de los mismos en la legislación colombiana, que permite enmarcar dentro del ámbito jurídico actual, las situaciones a las que se enfrentan a diario los trabajadores y trabajadoras del servicio doméstico en Colombia, y que a muchos de ellos los lleva a ser parte de la comunidad de usuarios que solicitan los servicios legales del Consultorio Jurídico de la Universidad Simón Bolívar en Barranquilla. Las preguntas de estudio de este trabajo obedecen, en cierta forma, a interrogantes que conlleva un análisis detallado de las causas y generadores del inconformismo de los trabajadores y trabajadoras del servicio doméstico, para llegar accionar frente a los practicantes del Consultorio Jurídicos de la universidad Simón Bolívar en Barranquilla, lo que solo puede ser alcanzado bajo el análisis exhaustivo del tipo y modalidad del contrato imperante, el reconocimiento o no de las garantías mínimas de estos como trabajadores, el salario justo y el trato digno que regula cualquier relación laboral en Colombia. 5 Evidentemente las vulneraciones y atropellos por parte de los empleadores, a las garantías mínimas de los trabajadores y trabajadoras del servicio doméstico en Barranquilla, llevaron a estos a insatisfacciones que los motivaron a ejercer el derecho de acción que tiene cada persona en el territorio colombiano en las instalaciones del Consultorio Jurídico de la Universidad Simón Bolívar.Work in Colombia, according to article 25 of the political constitution, is a fundamental right and a social obligation, with special protection by the State, guaranteed under dignified and fair conditions its development, through regulation in the compliance with the rights and duties of workers and employers. The objective of this study is to carry out a detailed analysis of the current and real situation of the people who are engaged in domestic service work, from the regulatory historical transfer, to the latest conquests by international organizations and the implementation of the same in Colombian legislation, which allows framing, within the current legal environment, the situations that domestic workers face on a daily basis in Colombia, and that leads many of them to be part of the community of users who request legal services from the Simón Bolívar University Legal Clinic in Barranquilla. The study questions in this work respond, in a certain way, to questions that entail a detailed analysis of the causes and generators of the nonconformity of domestic service workers, in order to take action against the practitioners of the Law Office of the Simón University Bolívar in Barranquilla, which can only be achieved under the exhaustive analysis of the type and modality of the prevailing contract, the recognition or not of the minimum guarantees of these as workers, the fair salary and the dignified treatment that regulates any labor relationship in Colombia. This case study was framed in the deductive method, with a historical-hermeneutical approach, where a structured study and analysis is carried out, framed in the historical context, which marks a milestone in the current situation that guided the researchers and, therefore, to the investigation to a descriptive approach, from the socio-legal context, that allows to analyze the implementation of the pertinent regulations, and the respect of the minimum guarantees of this studied group. The present case study corresponds to a qualitative research, since the results obtained in the compilation of the information, aims to describe and analyze the questions posed. The information gathering techniques are based on secondary sources, books, internet pages from a reliable source, and an interview with a user of the Law Office of the Simón Bolívar University in Barranquilla. In the same way, information was obtained directly, through surveys carried out with students assigned to said Legal Clinic, which was carried out digitally through the Google form platform. The conclusions that could be obtained, through the triangulation of information, obtained in the application of the applied instrument, made it clear that this sector made up of domestic workers, go to the services of the University Legal Office Simón Bolívar in Barranquilla, motivated by the constant lack of recognition and violation of their labor rights, from the moment of their hiring, until the termination of their employment contract. From the information obtained, through the historical database of the Legal Office of the Simón Bolívar University in Barranquilla, a comparison was made with the results of the application of the survey to students in practices in the aforementioned Office; In this process it was found that, despite the great normative and jurisprudential development, in favor of this study group, the advances in its implementation and in the pursuit of respect for their labor rights and for the dignity of their trade, it is only a dead letter .pdfspaAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternacionalTrabajadorasTrabajadoresServicio domésticoConsultorio JurídicoDignidad humanaTrabajo decenteWorkersDomestic workersLegal clinicHuman dignityDecent workAnálisis estudio de caso trabajadores y trabajadoras del servicio doméstico, usuarios del consultorio jurídico de la Universidad Simón Bolívar en Barranquilla, periodo 2018-2020info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessinfo:eu-repo/semantics/other