Carrillo Sierra, Sandra MilenaGarcía Agudelo, Diana YurleyGalvis Nava, Juan Sebastián2024-03-192024-03-192023 diseñar una estrategia formativa sobre estilos de afrontamiento que aporten a la mitigación de factores psicosociales que inciden en la labor docente de los maestrantes en educación de la Universidad Simón Bolívar, Metodología: paradigma interpretativo, enfoque cualitativo y diseño fenomenológico, las técnicas utilizadas para recoger la información fue la entrevista semiestructurada y la encuesta. Los informantes asintieron su participación por medio de convocatoria masiva y cumplían los criterios de ser estudiante activo de la maestría. Se exploraron y organizaran los datos, triangulando la información a partir de la información obtenida por instrumentos, y confrontada con los referente y antecedentes teóricos. Resultados: Se identificaron los factores psicosociales de los participantes, además se evidenció que los factores de riesgo psicosocial más percibido por docentes maestrantes fueron: interés del trabajador por compensación y carga laboral. El estilo de afrontamiento más reconocido fue el dialogo con los estudiantes y aceptación de las responsabilidades. Por tanto, las estrategias audiovisuales fueron las mas seleccionadas por los docente para su autocuidado y formación, por tanto se seleccionó un podcast como estrategia formativa para poder potenciar sus estilos de afrontamiento. Conclusión: El diseño de podcast como estrategia formativa de estilos de afrontamiento es relevante para poder mitigar los factores psicosociales en la labor docente de los maestrantes en educación de la Universidad Simón Bolívar debido a su aceptación y accesibilidad en cualquier tipo de dispositivo digital.The main objective of this research was to design a training strategy on coping styles that contribute to the mitigation of psychosocial factors that affect the teaching work of the teachers in education at the Simón Bolívar University, through which it sought to provide the aforementioned educational institution a tool for the aforementioned educational institution, with the purpose of improving the adaptation process of teachers in adverse situations that interrupt the normal development of academic activities, such as the case of the pandemic generated by Covid-19. Methodologically, the interpretive research paradigm was assumed, since through it it was possible to analyze and decipher the information obtained for the development of this study. On the other hand, the qualitative approach was selected, being pertinent because the study is carried out in the academic context taking into consideration the experiences that those involved have, it is also necessary to highlight that the research design adopted was phenomenological, descriptive and field, taking as research subjects 8 teachers from the master's program in Education at the Simón University Bolivar; In addition, observation, survey and structured interview were used as an instrument for collecting information. Among the results, it was obtained that the psychosocial factors that have been identified in the teachers who were selected as study subjects are different, with physical and psychological factors being mainly evidenced, in this context in the dimension of the worker's interest in compensation. having a high risk, likewise, the workload, on the other hand, with respect to psychological factors, a greater proportion of psychological demands is evident, in addition to the high load of work activities and monetary rewards, thus affecting the mental health and emotional stability of the teachers who participated in the research. In conclusion, it was obtained that the teachers who participated in the research were affected both physically and psychologically due to the pandemic situation generated by the Covid-19 pandemic, which led to assuming responsibilities to which they were not accustomed, in addition The confinement of teachers caused them to feel pressured, stressed and even take on a series of new work activities, and the workload increased due to the use of information and 7 communication technologies, however, later after the post-pandemic Those psychological factors that affect teachers remained present.pdfspaAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternacionalEstilos de afrontamientoEstrategia formativaFactores psicosocialesFortalecimiento psicosocialCoping stylesTraining strategyPsychosocial factorsPsychosocial strengtheningEstrategia formativa de afrontamiento para el fortalecimiento psicosocial de maestrantes en educación de una universidad privada de Cúcutainfo:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccessinfo:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis