Núñez-Bravo, NarledisSuarez Palacio, DamarisFreyle Vidal, Yolima AidethGonzález Romero, Adriana PaolaSarmiento Villa, Yaniris EstherVáquez Bojato, Leysi Esther2021-06-222021-06-222021https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12442/7906Introducción La Resolución 2003 de 2014 tiene por objeto definir los procedimientos y condiciones de inscripción de los Prestadores de Servicios de Salud y de habilitación de servicios de salud, así como adoptar el Manual de Inscripción de Prestadores y Habilitación de Servicios de Salud que hace parte integral de la presente resolución. Es por ello que en esta investigación se evaluó el cumplimiento de las condiciones tecnológicas-científicas, las cuales tienen como misión proteger y dar seguridad a los usuarios al garantizar el cumplimiento de unas condiciones esenciales para el funcionamiento de un prestador de servicios de salud, a partir de los estándares y criterios de habilitación. Objetivo Evaluar el cumplimiento de la capacidad tecnológica-científica en los servicios de las Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos Adulto frente a los casos de covid 19 en la red privada, del departamento del Atlántico comprendido entre el 2020-2021-1 Metodología Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal, la muestra la conformaron 10 instituciones prestadoras de servicios de salud de 5 municipios del departamento del Atlántico, comprendido entre el 2020-2021-1, con un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia. Se aplicó una lista de chequeo para evaluar el cumplimiento de los estándares y criterios de habilitación y conocer las razones de incumplimiento con alguno de los requisitos. Posteriormente se tabulo la información, realizando un análisis en frecuencia y porcentajes de cumplimiento con el SPS 0,4 Resultados se evaluaron 10 instituciones que ofertan los servicios de Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos Adultos, de 5 municipios del Departamento, siendo el municipio de Soledad con mayor oferta de servicio; prestando el servicio con un tercer nivel de atención, pertenecientes a la red privada. Que antes de la 6 emergencia sanitaria se contaban con unas 88 camas en las Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos, después de la declaratoria de emergencia sanitaria por Covid 19, se amplió la cobertura a 68 camas autorizadas transitoriamente, para un total de 121 camas. En cuanto al equipo de salud se identificó 3 profesionales intensivistas, el resto del servicio lo conforman médicos internistas, enfermeras y auxiliar de enfermería. En la verificación de los estándares y criterios antes del Covid 19 todos las Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos adultos cumplían con los requisitos, pero después si se encontró incumplimiento en el estándar de talento humano, en 3 instituciones, debido a que las enfermeras y auxiliares de enfermería no contaban con certificación en la formación en el manejo del paciente crítico, 4 instituciones no cumplían con el estándar de infraestructura, 3 con el de dotación, y 2 con el de Medicamentos Dispositivos Médicos e Insumos. Conclusiones Los resultados muestran un incumplimiento de los requisitos esenciales de habilitación, en la capacidad instalada de camas de UCI adulto, que fueron habilitadas transitoriamente después de la emergencia sanitaria, pese a que éstos son exigidos por los entes territoriales departamentales, y distritales de salud. Es por ello, que, a pesar de la urgencia y alta demanda de pacientes infectados con covid 19, se debe continuar con el seguimiento estricto de estos servicios de salud, que permita garantizar el cumplimiento de los estándares de habilitación, para lograr que durante su oferta se genere más beneficios que riesgos.Introduction The purpose of this Resolution 2003 of 2014 is to define the procedures and conditions for the registration of Health Service Providers and the authorization of health services, as well as to adopt the Manual for the Registration of Providers and Authorization of Health Services that is part of integral of the present resolution. That is why this investigation will verify compliance with technological and scientific conditions, which have the mission of protecting and providing security to users by guaranteeing compliance with essential conditions for the operation of a health service provider, to starting from the qualification standards and criteria. Objective To evaluate the fulfillment of the technological-scientific capacity in the services of the Adult Intensive Care Units in the face of cases of covid 19 in the private network, in the department of Atlántico between 2020-2021. Methodology A descriptive study was carried out, with a non-probabilistic convenience sampling. The sample is made up of 10 institutions that provide health services from the municipalities of the department of Atlántico, to which a checklist was applied during 2020-2021 to verify compliance with the qualification standards and criteria and to know the reasons why which fail to meet any of the requirements. Subsequently, the information was tabulated in an excell. Performing an analysis on frequency and compliance percentages. Results, 10 institutions that offer the services of Adult Intensive Care Units were verified, from 5 municipalities of the Department, being the municipality of Soledad with the greatest service offer; providing the service with a third level of care, belonging to the private network. That before the health emergency there were about 88 beds in the Intensive Care Units and in the face of Covid 19 cases, coverage was expanded to 68 temporarily authorized beds, for a total of 121 beds. Regarding the health team, 3 intensivist professionals were identified, the rest of the service is made up of internists, nurses, and a nursing assistant. In the verification of the standards and criteria before covid 19, all adult Intensive Care 8 Units met the requirements, but afterwards, non-compliance with the standards of human talent was found, such as 3 institutions, due to the fact that nurses and nursing assistants did not They were certified in critical patient management training. 4 institutions did not meet the infrastructure standard, 3 with the endowment standard, 2 with the Medicines, Medical Devices and Supplies standard. Conclusions The results show a breach of the essential requirements for habilitation, in the installed capacity of adult ICU beds, which were temporarily enabled after the health emergency, despite the fact that they are demanded by the departmental territorial entities, and health districts. That is why, despite the urgency and high demand for patients infected with covid 19, strict monitoring of these health services must continue, to ensure compliance with the qualification standards, to ensure that during their offer generates more benefits than risksIntroduction The purpose of this Resolution 2003 of 2014 is to define the procedures and conditions for the registration of Health Service Providers and the authorization of health services, as well as to adopt the Manual for the Registration of Providers and Authorization of Health Services that is part of integral of the present resolution. That is why this investigation will verify compliance with technological and scientific conditions, which have the mission of protecting and providing security to users by guaranteeing compliance with essential conditions for the operation of a health service provider, to starting from the qualification standards and criteria. Objective To evaluate the fulfillment of the technological-scientific capacity in the services of the Adult Intensive Care Units in the face of cases of covid 19 in the private network, in the department of Atlántico between 2020-2021. Methodology A descriptive study was carried out, with a non-probabilistic convenience sampling. The sample is made up of 10 institutions that provide health services from the municipalities of the department of Atlántico, to which a checklist was applied during 2020-2021 to verify compliance with the qualification standards and criteria and to know the reasons why which fail to meet any of the requirements. Subsequently, the information was tabulated in an excell. Performing an analysis on frequency and compliance percentages. Results, 10 institutions that offer the services of Adult Intensive Care Units were verified, from 5 municipalities of the Department, being the municipality of Soledad with the greatest service offer; providing the service with a third level of care, belonging to the private network. That before the health emergency there were about 88 beds in the Intensive Care Units and in the face of Covid 19 cases, coverage was expanded to 68 temporarily authorized beds, for a total of 121 beds. Regarding the health team, 3 intensivist professionals were identified, the rest of the service is made up of internists, nurses, and a nursing assistant. In the verification of the standards and criteria before covid 19, all adult Intensive Care 8 Units met the requirements, but afterwards, non-compliance with the standards of human talent was found, such as 3 institutions, due to the fact that nurses and nursing assistants did not They were certified in critical patient management training. 4 institutions did not meet the infrastructure standard, 3 with the endowment standard, 2 with the Medicines, Medical Devices and Supplies standard. Conclusions The results show a breach of the essential requirements for habilitation, in the installed capacity of adult ICU beds, which were temporarily enabled after the health emergency, despite the fact that they are demanded by the departmental territorial entities, and health districts. That is why, despite the urgency and high demand for patients infected with covid 19, strict monitoring of these health services must continue, to ensure compliance with the qualification standards, to ensure that during their offer generates more benefits than riskspdfspaAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternacionalServicios de saludCalidad de la atención de saludUnidad de Cuidados intensivos adultosLicencia de funcionamientoHealth servicesQuality of health careAdult Intensive Care UnitOperating licenseCumplimiento de la capacidad tecnológica-científica en los servicios de las unidades de cuidados intensivos adulto frente a los casos de covid 19 en la red privada del departamento del Atlántico comprendida entre el 2020-2021info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccessinfo:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis