Licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 InternacionalRuiz-Rangel, JonathanArdila Hernandez, Carlos JulioMaradei Gonzalez, LuisJabba Molinares, Daladier2018-03-132018-03-13201809740635 paper presents a variation in the algorithm EMODS (Evolutionary Metaheuristic of Deterministic Swapping), at the level of its mutation stage in order to train algorithms for each problem. It should be noted that the EMODS metaheuristic is a novel framework that allows multi-objective optimization of combinatorial problems. The proposal for the training of neural networks will be named ERNEAD (training of Evolutionary Neural Networks through Evolutionary Strategies and Finite Automata). The selection process consists of five phases: the initial population generation phase, the forward feeding phase of the network, the EMODS search phase, the crossing and evaluation phase, and finally the verification phase. The application of the process in the neural networks will generate sets of networks with optimal weights for a particular problem. ERNEAD algorithm was applied to two typical problems: breast cancer and flower classification, the solution of the problems were compared with solutions obtained by applying the classical Backpropagation, Conjugate Gradient and Levenberg-Marquardt algorithms. The analysis of the results indicated that ERNEAD produced more precise solutions than the ones thrown by the classic algorithms.engFinite Deterministic AutomatonArtificial Neural NetworksGenetic AlgorithmEMODSBackpropagation AlgorithmConjugate Gradient AlgorithmLevenberg-Marquardt AlgorithmERNEAD: Training of Artificial Neural Networks Based on a Genetic Algorithm and Finite Automata Theoryarticleinfo:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess