Análisis comparativo de comportamientos emocionales y sociales según el nivel de formación en instituciones educativas
Ardila Novoa, Claudia Estella
Caicedo Vargas, Marcia
Jaimes Durán, Luz Stella
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El presente informe tiene como objetivo determinar si existen diferencias
significativas en las variables autoestima, inteligencia emocional y social,
orientación suicida, y la expresión de la ira en función del nivel de formación
académica de los estudiantes de secundaria de las instituciones educativas de
Norte de Santander. El estudio se enfoca en analizar cómo estas variables
psicológicas y emocionales varían según el grado académico de los estudiantes, lo
cual puede ofrecer una comprensión más profunda sobre el bienestar emocional y
mental de los jóvenes en edad escolar.
La metodología utilizada en el estudio fue de enfoque cuantitativo, no experimental,
transversal y de tipo comparativo. Para la recolección de datos se Encuestaron a
4,317 estudiantes de once instituciones educativas del departamento Norte de Santander, utilizando cinco cuestionarios autoadministrados (mediante cinco
cuestionarios autoadministrados (Escala de autoestima de Rosenberg, Escala
Rasgo de Metaconocimiento emocional, validación de la escala breve de
Inteligencia social, inventario de orientación suicida y escala de expresión de la ira),
estos instrumentos fueron seleccionados debido a su alta fiabilidad y validez en la
medición de las variables mencionadas.
Los resultados del estudio revelan diferencias significativas entre los diferentes
grupos académicos (χ² = 11.36, p = 0.045). En particular, se observó una brecha
entre los grados séptimo y décimo. Las tendencias suicidas mostraron correlaciones
negativas con la autoestima (-0.470) y la inteligencia emocional (-0.189), pero una
correlación positiva con la expresión de la ira (0.420). Esto indica que los
estudiantes con menores niveles de autoestima y habilidades emocionales más
limitadas son más propensos a presentar inclinaciones suicidas. Así mismo, se
encontró una correlación positiva entre la orientación suicida y la expresión de la ira,
lo que sugiere que los estudiantes con mayores tendencias suicidas también tienden
a expresar la ira de manera más intensa.
Estos hallazgos subrayan la importancia de considerar el nivel académico como un
factor influyente en el perfil psicológico de los estudiantes. El estudio muestra que
el nivel de formación académica tiene un impacto significativo de la autoestima, la
inteligencia emocional y la propensión a la ideación suicida. Además, la manera en
que los estudiantes expresan su ira también parece estar relacionada con su nivel
académico, lo que sugiere que los desafíos emocionales y de comportamiento
pueden variar considerablemente entre los diferentes grados escolares.
En Conclusión, el nivel académico influye de manera significativa en la autoestima,
inteligencia emocional, expresión de la ira y tendencia suicida de los estudiantes de
secundaria. Específicamente los estudiantes de grado más alto presentan una
autoestima y habilidades emocionales más desarrolladas, lo que podrían estar
relacionando con una menor propensión a la tendencia suicida. Sin embargo, la
expresión de la ira sigue siendo un desafío especialmente entre aquellos con
mayores inclinaciones suicidas. Dada la relevancia de estos hallazgos se recomienda proporcionar acceso a
servicios de asesoramiento y apoyo psicológico tanto para estudiantes como para
sus familias. Estos servicios deberían de tener terapias, intervenciones psicológicas
y orientación familiar, así como la posibilidad de derivación a especialistas cuando
lo requiera.
The present research entitled: "Comparative analysis of emotional and social behaviors according to the level of education in educational institutions" to evaluate and compare the variables of self-esteem, emotional intelligence, social intelligence, suicidal ideation and expression of anger among high school students, the main objective was: To determine if there are significant differences in the behavior of the variables self-esteem, emotional and social intelligence, suicidal orientation, and the expression of anger depending on the level of academic training of high school students from educational institutions in Norte de Santander.. The specificity of this research includes describing the socio-educational characteristics of the population studied. The null hypothesis shows that there are no significant differences between psychosocial variables and their academic level, while the alternative hypothesis shows that such differences do exist (Creswell, 2014). The methodology used was a simple random sampling applied to students from Norte de Santander, using validated instruments to measure the variables of interest. The results reveal patterns and disparities in the emotional and social behaviors of students, which is fundamental to design educational strategies and intervention programs that address the socioemotional needs of students, thus improving their well-being and academic performance. It is fundamental to recognize that students present diversity in their emotional and social development, depending on their stage of formation. The need for educational policies that integrate socioemotional development as an essential component of the educational curriculum is highlighted (OECD, 2015). Finally, the recommendations consist of implementing emotional support programs, training teachers in socioemotional skills and creating school environments that promote the integral wellbeing of students (WHO, 2020).The present research entitled: "Comparative analysis of emotional and social behaviors according to the level of education in educational institutions" to evaluate and compare the variables of self-esteem, emotional intelligence, social intelligence, suicidal ideation and expression of anger among high school students, the main objective was: To determine if there are significant differences in the behavior of the variables self-esteem, emotional and social intelligence, suicidal orientation, and the expression of anger depending on the level of academic training of high school students from educational institutions in Norte de Santander.. The specificity of this research includes describing the socio-educational characteristics of the population studied. The null hypothesis shows that there are no significant differences between psychosocial variables and their academic level, while the alternative hypothesis shows that such differences do exist (Creswell, 2014). The methodology used was a simple random sampling applied to students from Norte de Santander, using validated instruments to measure the variables of interest. The results reveal patterns and disparities in the emotional and social behaviors of students, which is fundamental to design educational strategies and intervention programs that address the socioemotional needs of students, thus improving their well-being and academic performance. It is fundamental to recognize that students present diversity in their emotional and social development, depending on their stage of formation. The need for educational policies that integrate socioemotional development as an essential component of the educational curriculum is highlighted (OECD, 2015). Finally, the recommendations consist of implementing emotional support programs, training teachers in socioemotional skills and creating school environments that promote the integral wellbeing of students (WHO, 2020).
The present research entitled: "Comparative analysis of emotional and social behaviors according to the level of education in educational institutions" to evaluate and compare the variables of self-esteem, emotional intelligence, social intelligence, suicidal ideation and expression of anger among high school students, the main objective was: To determine if there are significant differences in the behavior of the variables self-esteem, emotional and social intelligence, suicidal orientation, and the expression of anger depending on the level of academic training of high school students from educational institutions in Norte de Santander.. The specificity of this research includes describing the socio-educational characteristics of the population studied. The null hypothesis shows that there are no significant differences between psychosocial variables and their academic level, while the alternative hypothesis shows that such differences do exist (Creswell, 2014). The methodology used was a simple random sampling applied to students from Norte de Santander, using validated instruments to measure the variables of interest. The results reveal patterns and disparities in the emotional and social behaviors of students, which is fundamental to design educational strategies and intervention programs that address the socioemotional needs of students, thus improving their well-being and academic performance. It is fundamental to recognize that students present diversity in their emotional and social development, depending on their stage of formation. The need for educational policies that integrate socioemotional development as an essential component of the educational curriculum is highlighted (OECD, 2015). Finally, the recommendations consist of implementing emotional support programs, training teachers in socioemotional skills and creating school environments that promote the integral wellbeing of students (WHO, 2020).The present research entitled: "Comparative analysis of emotional and social behaviors according to the level of education in educational institutions" to evaluate and compare the variables of self-esteem, emotional intelligence, social intelligence, suicidal ideation and expression of anger among high school students, the main objective was: To determine if there are significant differences in the behavior of the variables self-esteem, emotional and social intelligence, suicidal orientation, and the expression of anger depending on the level of academic training of high school students from educational institutions in Norte de Santander.. The specificity of this research includes describing the socio-educational characteristics of the population studied. The null hypothesis shows that there are no significant differences between psychosocial variables and their academic level, while the alternative hypothesis shows that such differences do exist (Creswell, 2014). The methodology used was a simple random sampling applied to students from Norte de Santander, using validated instruments to measure the variables of interest. The results reveal patterns and disparities in the emotional and social behaviors of students, which is fundamental to design educational strategies and intervention programs that address the socioemotional needs of students, thus improving their well-being and academic performance. It is fundamental to recognize that students present diversity in their emotional and social development, depending on their stage of formation. The need for educational policies that integrate socioemotional development as an essential component of the educational curriculum is highlighted (OECD, 2015). Finally, the recommendations consist of implementing emotional support programs, training teachers in socioemotional skills and creating school environments that promote the integral wellbeing of students (WHO, 2020).
Palabras clave
Autoestima, Inteligencia emocional, Ideación suicida, Expresión de la ira, Ideación suicida, Inteligencia social