Tratamiento de la depresión en adultos mayores: revisión de intervenciones cognitivo-conductuales
Berdugo Álvarez, Álvaro Enrique
Donado Barrios, Jolaine Andrea
Martínez Rodríguez, Hanner Sebastián
Monterroza Acuña, Enilce Del Carmen
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Los adultos mayores son aquellos de sesenta años o más que atraviesan una etapa de la vida caracterizada por roles, responsabilidades y expectativas específicas establecidas cultural, social e históricamente. La depresión en adultos mayores es un tema de importancia creciente debido a el envejecimiento de la población mundial y a que este es un problema común en esta población, sin embargo, es crucial destacar que la depresión no es una consecuencia inevitable del envejecimiento. El objetivo de la presente monografía fue identificar las intervenciones desde la Terapia Cognitivo-Conductual (TCC) para el tratamiento de la depresión en adultos mayores en el periodo comprendido de 2019 hasta 2023. Se realizó mediante la revisión de la literatura siguiendo las recomendaciones del modelo PRISMA, utilizando los descriptores depression, older adults and cognitive behavioural therapy en la base de datos EBSCO. La búsqueda documental se realizó sobre documentos en el idioma inglés y se fijó el año 2023 como límite superior del período de análisis y límite inferior, 2019.
Dentro de los criterios de inclusión se establecieron que fueran artículos de
intervención publicados entre 2019 y 2023, artículos de intervención publicados en revistas científicas indexadas y que hayan cumplido los criterios de revisión por pares ciegos y artículos con metodología cuantitativa que utilizaran grupos de control para la medición de la eficacia de intervenciones basadas en la terapia cognitivo-comportamental para la depresión en adultos mayores. Como criterios de exclusión se tienen que no sean artículos con metodología cualitativa y revisiones sistemáticas, metaanálisis, tesis doctorales y documentos oficiales de 8 entidades, artículos que no utilizaron la terapia cognitivo-comportamental para la depresión en sus diferentes presentaciones para la población de adultos mayores y artículos que no describieran o tuvieran la medición de la eficacia utilizando grupos de control o medidas estandarizadas. Se recuperaron 82 artículos, de los que se incluyeron 12 que cumplieron con los criterios para incluirse en la monografía. Se encontró que la TCC aporta significativamente en la salud mental, destacando técnicas efectivas para reducir síntomas depresivos y de ansiedad, mejorar la calidad de vida y promover el bienestar emocional. Con futuras investigaciones y desarrollos, se espera que la TCC siga evolucionando como una opción terapéutica fundamental y accesible para aquellos que enfrentan desafíos emocionales y psicológicos en todo el mundo.
Older adults are those aged sixty years or older who are going through a stage of life characterized by specific roles, responsibilities and expectations established culturally, socially and historically. Depression in older adults is an issue of growing importance due to the aging of the world's population and is a common problem in this population, however, it is crucial to highlight that depression is not an inevitable consequence of aging. The aim of the present monograph was to identify interventions from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for the treatment of depression in older adults in the period from 2019 to 2023. It was performed by reviewing the literature following the recommendations of the PRISMA model, using the descriptors depression, older adults and cognitive behavioral therapy in the EBSCO database. The documentary search was performed on documents in the English language and the year 2023 was set as the upper limit of the analysis period and the lower limit, 2019. Inclusion criteria included intervention articles published between 2019 and 2023, intervention articles published in indexed scientific journals that met the criteria for blind peer review and articles with quantitative methodology that used control groups to measure the efficacy of interventions based on cognitive-behavioral therapy for depression in older adults. Exclusion criteria were articles with qualitative methodology and systematic reviews, meta-analysis, doctoral theses and official documents of entities, articles that did not use cognitive-behavioral therapy for depression in its different presentations for the population of older adults and articles that did not describe or have the measurement of efficacy using control groups or standardized measures. Eighty-two articles were retrieved, of which 12 were included that met the criteria for inclusion in the monograph. CBT was found to contribute significantly to mental health, highlighting effective techniques to reduce depressive and anxiety symptoms, improve quality of life and promote emotional well-being. With future research and developments, it is expected that CBT will continue to evolve as a fundamental and accessible therapeutic option for those facing emotional and psychological challenges worldwide.
Older adults are those aged sixty years or older who are going through a stage of life characterized by specific roles, responsibilities and expectations established culturally, socially and historically. Depression in older adults is an issue of growing importance due to the aging of the world's population and is a common problem in this population, however, it is crucial to highlight that depression is not an inevitable consequence of aging. The aim of the present monograph was to identify interventions from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for the treatment of depression in older adults in the period from 2019 to 2023. It was performed by reviewing the literature following the recommendations of the PRISMA model, using the descriptors depression, older adults and cognitive behavioral therapy in the EBSCO database. The documentary search was performed on documents in the English language and the year 2023 was set as the upper limit of the analysis period and the lower limit, 2019. Inclusion criteria included intervention articles published between 2019 and 2023, intervention articles published in indexed scientific journals that met the criteria for blind peer review and articles with quantitative methodology that used control groups to measure the efficacy of interventions based on cognitive-behavioral therapy for depression in older adults. Exclusion criteria were articles with qualitative methodology and systematic reviews, meta-analysis, doctoral theses and official documents of entities, articles that did not use cognitive-behavioral therapy for depression in its different presentations for the population of older adults and articles that did not describe or have the measurement of efficacy using control groups or standardized measures. Eighty-two articles were retrieved, of which 12 were included that met the criteria for inclusion in the monograph. CBT was found to contribute significantly to mental health, highlighting effective techniques to reduce depressive and anxiety symptoms, improve quality of life and promote emotional well-being. With future research and developments, it is expected that CBT will continue to evolve as a fundamental and accessible therapeutic option for those facing emotional and psychological challenges worldwide.
Palabras clave
Depresión, Adulto mayor, Terapia cognitivo conductual, Intervención, Vejez