Sistema de gestión documental, un avance en la modernización del estado: Una mirada desde la personería distrital de Barranquilla y otras entidades
Parodi Andrade, Andrés Daniel
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El sistema de gestión documental implementado en entidades del
sector público genera un avance en el estado en cuanto a la modernización se
refiere, y, al mismo tiempo genera una protección sobre los derechos de la
ciudadanía y una garantía a sus derechos fundamentales, en materia de
trazabilidad y acceso público a su información. Abordaremos desde diferentes
enfoques esta importancia, para demostrarle al lector, que, en la historia, el
sistema de gestión documental ha demostrado el gran impacto y avance que
aporta al estado y su modernización. Además, desde una perspectiva más
particular y con un conocimiento de la causa, abordaremos este tema desde la
implementación que tuvo del sistema de gestión documental, en aras de la
modernización del estado, la Personería Distrital de Barranquilla, toda vez, que
tuvimos el privilegio de participar en esta implementación y estar a cargo del
desarrollo, la implementación y la puesta en producción del sistema de gestión
documental en la Personería Distrital de Barranquilla.
Conclusiones: El avance del estado en materia tecnológica, debe ir acompañado
de la implementación de un sistema de gestión documental con todo lo que éste
implica, con sus desafíos y progreso, mayor aún, de ser digital y moderno.
Estamos frente a un tema que es muy sensible y que en pocos años será a causa
de las nuevas tecnologías, una obligación para todas las entidades para mayor
beneficios a sus ciudadanos al brindarles una mejor atención, protección sobre
sus derechos fundamentales y como garantía en cuanto a trazabilidad y acceso
público a la información se refiere.
The document management system implemented in public sector entities generates progress in the state in terms of modernization, and, at the same time, generates protection of the rights of citizens and a guarantee of their fundamental rights, in terms of traceability and public access to their information. We will approach this importance from different approaches, to show the reader that, in history, the document management system has demonstrated the great impact and progress it brings to the state and its modernization. In addition, from a more particular perspective and with a knowledge of the cause, we will address this issue from the implementation of the document management system, for the sake of the modernization of the state, the District Personería of Barranquilla, since we had the privilege of participating in this implementation and being in charge of the development, implementation and production of the document management system in the Personería Distrital de Barranquilla. Conclusions: The progress of the state in technological matters must be accompanied by the implementation of a document management system with all that it implies, with its challenges and progress, even greater, of being digital and modern. We are facing an issue that is very sensitive and that in a few years will be due to new technologies, an obligation for all entities to greater benefit their citizens by providing them with better care, protection of their fundamental rights and as a guarantee in terms of traceability and public access to information.
The document management system implemented in public sector entities generates progress in the state in terms of modernization, and, at the same time, generates protection of the rights of citizens and a guarantee of their fundamental rights, in terms of traceability and public access to their information. We will approach this importance from different approaches, to show the reader that, in history, the document management system has demonstrated the great impact and progress it brings to the state and its modernization. In addition, from a more particular perspective and with a knowledge of the cause, we will address this issue from the implementation of the document management system, for the sake of the modernization of the state, the District Personería of Barranquilla, since we had the privilege of participating in this implementation and being in charge of the development, implementation and production of the document management system in the Personería Distrital de Barranquilla. Conclusions: The progress of the state in technological matters must be accompanied by the implementation of a document management system with all that it implies, with its challenges and progress, even greater, of being digital and modern. We are facing an issue that is very sensitive and that in a few years will be due to new technologies, an obligation for all entities to greater benefit their citizens by providing them with better care, protection of their fundamental rights and as a guarantee in terms of traceability and public access to information.
Palabras clave
Sistema de gestión documental, Personería Distrital de Barranquilla, Modernización del Estado, Document management system, District Personería de Barranquilla, Modernization of the State